Clock Accuracy!
The 7500E automatically calculates worked time between punches and accumulates totals on the card for up to 100 active employees or jobs. It also receives its time signal from the WWVB atomic clock in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Product Description

Calculates actual or rounded time
Accumulates total worked hours
Handles up to 100 active employees or jobs
Auto-feed and auto-eject of time cards
Optional automatic break deduction from totals
Print 12-hour (AM/PM) on 24-hour time
Print regular minutes (1/60) or 1/100 of hour
Fully automatic print alignment
Unlimited punches per day
Prints day of week or date
Automatic differentiation of the front and back of a double-sided time card
Automatic or manual card reset
Ability to transfer card totals to another card
Wall or table mount
Automatic Daylight Savings Time adjustment
Built-in lithium backup battery for 3 years of data protection
Optional Ni-MH battery backup system providing full operation during power failures
Prints English, Spanish or French
One year warranty
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